Sunday, August 30, 2009


im in the moOd of tryin lots of new templates to my one&only bloG..hehe..but for the moment..i think this one's nice..kan? kan? colorful ..i likE..~ :P

just got back from smbahyang terawih makcik aini again..hehe..siapa makcik aini? haa..i'll never forget her..whyyY? this is bcoz..shes the one who asked me " awak tingkatan berapa?" at this dah lama gle tak dengar org tanye camni..~! hahah...sembahyang sebelah dia aritu(3 days ago kot..)..her daughter was also there..i asked the kid "awak darjah berapa?" she said..darjah 4..besar kan? haha..xde la besar pn..just chubby2 comel2 sket je kan..:P

oh n her mother..which is makcik aini..told me.."anak makcik tingkatan 3 tp lagi besar+tinggi dr awak"....i replied "oo yeke.." pastu dia kate" anak makcik tu kalau org jmpe mesti tanye "awak keje mana?" hahaha..saba jela.. patut la dia tanye tingkatan berapa kan...pun boleh..
oh n everytime i met her..before balik mesti dia tanye "esok datang lagi kan?" pastu ckp "nnti raya dtg la rumah.." hehe..baik nye la makcik ni..

im wathcin channel 188 rite's Siti channel..erk.siti nurhaliza obviously..hehe i likE siti.. i enjoy listenin to her songs..n i remembered almost all it....n i also love to sing her sOngs too..;)

bought this one last friday at Popular,IOI Mall puchong....
twiLight! love the movie sooo muchhhh & now in the process of reading the novel..baru page 15..bestttt ^^

okiee continue later..!
selamat menunaikan ibadah puasa di bulan Ramadhan yg mulia ini..InsyaAllah~..

HaPpy IndEpenDEnce daY Malaysians!

weEE seronok nye esok cutiii..yeayyy! ^^

Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Harini msk hari ke dua sy bersembahyang terawih..kat masjid pulau meranti..alhamdulillah..:D..
pegi 2 org je.. ngan abah...
tp kat sana cam sume nenek2 & makcik2 jela muda2 ade 2,3 je kot (termasuk la sy kan.. hehe) tp best..suke g sana..rasa cam tenang jee..

Harini gak msk hari ke-3 sakit perut..sakit gle..:'(
cam pedih2 la br lepas mkn pil yg paling x best..
Pil 'Chi-Kit'Teck Aun..ever heard of it? mak kate kalau sakit perut bgs mkn x tahan sngt..mkn jela..rasa cam herba2 la kan..eww..

Tuje la nk cite..
to b continued..
take care all ^_^

Monday, August 24, 2009


im at the office rite now..doin gakkk tp kdg2 boring tak tahu nk wtpe..
enna called me just now..siap leh gayut lagi ngan totally free today..~! keje pn sket je td.. is my very 1st day.. berpuasa di bulan Ramadhan..smbil bekerja..hehe..
hmm my mother, my brother shukri & my sister fikah..on da way to johor now. diorang sume nk balik kmpg..cuti la katekan..
its me n my father jela tggl..kejeee..huhu..jelesss

Today is one of my clan's i have clan? yup2..
last time during primary school..i have this one clan called "Exotic" ..haha..budak2..
there's me..nurul izzati..faizah bakeman..faizah mohamad & amalina haslyssa..huhu ingt lg..
everyday the 5 of us will go for recess together..gosip2 pasal kelas msg2...we were all in diff classes but very very close..oh i miss all of them so much...:'(
last jmpe darjah 6 la ..

hm..secondary clan..but im very close with all my classmates in form 4&5 Bestari..
what can i say..the best class ever..! rapat dgn each n everyone of my classmates..that time..

Aida, Syuhada,Jun,Irma,Arul,Farhan,Arif,Fadzuan,Ani, Syikin, Ros,Farah, Pai,Nali,Jepp,Zurena,Hanis,Aina,Sook Yeng,Alan,Swee Yen,Poh Ling and Meeee

hehe..i will not forget each n everyone of u guys..;)
one of the things yg best about this class is one of the top 10 ..~! yehaa..:P
bile dpt result je..the boys especially will compare their result to mine..lagi2 subejct matematik moden....oh my fav subject tu..! time nk wat homework je mesti tgk maths ade homework ke tak..kalau ade..wat math dulu br subject lain..;)
at one time, im the 1st malay girl yg dpt no t'tggi dlm kelas..weehee bangga jap..time tu jelaa:P
My secondary school will always be the greatest memory for me..
from form 1 to form 5.. jadi pengawas..hmm bestt..
ingt lg time kene jaga gate pagi2..haha..jmpe kwn2 mesti hai2 borak2 jap la kan:P
kalau time nk rehat..dpt kuar awal..pastu..abg2 senior pengawas kat skola tu hensem2 la plak..haha..
Oh my sec school time pun masa yg plng best.ble bcakap ttg ..'cinta' ..haha
hari2 ade je org kirim salam..junior ade senior ade..huhu ingt lg..
pastu ade clasmet yg mintak2 no phone..(phone umah jela time tu xde hp) sbb dia kate dia yg nk..esoknye dia ngaku dia mintakkan utk org..pun boleh..
next2 day..ade la panggilan2..haha..guess who? abg pengawas yg paling hensem dlm skola tu kot call..haha..!
first time couple pun time skola men..huhu..he's same batch with me..lain kelas..but just opposite my cam tgk luar je akan nmpk kelas dia..
kwn2..tuisyen sama..last2 couple..ala tp time skola kan.budak2 nye cite..;)

continue about my clan..
hmm sek men xde clan..msk mmu..ade! was when im in MMU melaka..
its my first time.. far away from my family..totally alone...pastu dpt msk EP..its an apartment..mmu yg bg msk stu..since hostel kat sana kecik gle..
at EP.i met my very 1st housemates..
Me.roomate with nana&amani..n then housemates ..enna.ira.lin.dura.munie.
erm plus nadia..she's not really hsemates but considered one since hari2 dia dtg umah..
hm what can i say is..kitorang rapat gle..hari2 lunch dinner together..kalau salah sorang ade kelas..sume tggu utk mkn sama..
day after day..kitorang plan utk letak nama msg2 kat friendster ..tambah 'Miraie' kat belakang..cthnye : Kama Miraie..Enna Miraie..Nana Miraie...
& thats where the miraie clan came from..the housemates..
Eventho today..some of us r not that close my heart..i will always love u guys no matter what ..^^

n oh..thats where my blog link came from..kamamirae..
oookkk now u know...:P

until here then..
Selamat Berpuasa kpd semua ..
Semoga amalan kite semua di bulan yg mulia ini diterima Allah swt..

Monday, August 17, 2009


16th Aug 09, yesterday ..i perform on stage ..singing...lalala..hehe..

4.00 pm - suppose the rehearsal start but then it was damn heavy rain & i dont hv any payung...
.so from hostel.. i went out at about 4.10pm & reached there (Kelab Tasik Putrajaya.oh this is my very first time been here :P) at about 4.30pm..
ingtkan dh lmbt..but u the earliest performers to arrive after the ICS girls..hohoh..
The indian girls from ICS was busy practising their dance..n i was like..erk..where's the other performers??..
then one of the committees came to me n said..sory eh kak..PA system x smpai lg..haha..adoi kalau tahu lepak2 baring2 tgk movie jap ke.. kan best..
at about 5.30 pm only the rehearsal started....Luckyly jeph was there so i keeeep on chit-chatting with him until the sound systems etc are ready ..

I dont really sure yet what song to sing i practise 2 songs...
- My heart will go on...& Bukan cinta biasa.. and asked opinions from jeph and the committess..they said both are ok..but jeph prefer my heart will go ....ok la..
Me & Jeph then practise ' I want to spend my lifetime loving you (soundtrack for the Zorro movie..) n yep2 we decided to sing this song for duet.. :)

After rehearsal..went back to hostel..
the event starts at 8 pm..i reached hostel at 7.30pm n i was so damn tired..soo..baring2 jap......TERtutup mata...zZzzzz tidoO~! hahaha..terbangun kol 8.15 n i was like..alamak3!!! lambattttt dh kot..dgn nak mandi2 nya..nk gosok baju lg nk siap2 makeup2 lagi..OMG..!
Siap2 sume..of course la kene bwk kete laju2 kan..dh mcm org gile smalam drive...alhamdulillah smpai gak dgn selamat nye..hehe
Kol 9 pm br smpai kot..hohoohO....when i arrived, Altimate (the band sing the song 'Cantik') just finish perform n i was like..damn br ingt nk tgk diorang :P

Mine was the 3rd performance..Altimate the 2nd lepas diorang ade tunjuk video2 ape tah..n then its my turn & jeph! waa cungap2 nk cepat2 tadi pun tak ilang lagi kot..mmg xsempat nk rilek2 ke ape..haiya..
Jeph nyanyi solo dulu..n then our duet song..hehe..i love performing this song..
"I want to spend my lifetime..loving you~~.." hehe..time tgh nyanyi ..there's dis one chinese guy came to me bagi bunga! hahaa..thank u..:P
After that solo turn..i sing 'My heart will go on..' :D

Fuh..~ lepas habis tu lega gle....Alhamdulillah everything goes well..Hopefully everyone there enjoy my performance..^^

This is my third time front of the crowd..
First time was Im in mmu melaka..lagu 'Jangan Pisahkan'..for Desa Tercinta,Johor..
Second time was in Cyber..Grand Hall MMU..for Festari.. lagu Seri Langkat ..oh i love this moment so much~!
Third time was Putrajaya..for Convofest Dinner 09..

Festari 09..

Convofest Dinner 09..

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Calm mood..:P

Awee asked me to make a new entry since he's already bored with my blog.hahaha :P
Ok2 here it goes..
Calm mood..hmm..maybe i am..sitting alone with my laptop..hearing sum musics..singing a lil bit....nothing to think about..

Btw awee ni lawak gle kot..gelak gle kama kat umah ni haa..

Awee : kama
Awee : tgk blog skang
kAMa : blog sapee
Awee : awee ader post baru
Awee : blog kama laa
Awee : xkn blog najob kot
Awee: najib
kAMa : najob =))

hahahaah pun bolehhhhh..

ni dia smbung lg..

Awee : dh ader post baru lum?
kAMa : sedang2
Awee : ok2
Awee : sabo2
Awee : awee tgh lepak2 ngn najob ni
Awee : spupu najib

hahahahaha :P

ok2 enuf craps..
im attracted to this one website..
specifically its a blog....

& here it goes..

Suka... Sayang... Cinta!
Suka, Sayang, Cinta, atau obses kepada seseorang adalah elemen yang tertera dalam dunia perkasihan!

*saat menyukai seseorang, rasa ingin memiliki nya untuk keegoaanmu sendiri.
*saat menyayangi seseorang, rasa ingin sekali membuatkannya bahagia dan bukan untuk dirimu sendiri.
*saat mencintai seseorang, akan melakukan apa saja untuk kebahagiannya walaupun harus mengorbankan jiwamu.

*suka adalah saat dia menangis, kau akan berkata: "sudahlah jangan menangis".
*sayang adalah saat dia menangis dan kau menangis bersamanya.
*cinta adalah saat dia menangis dan kau akan membiarkannya menangis dipangkuanmu sambil berkata: "mari kita selesaikan masalah ini bersama sama".

*suka adalah saat melihatnya dan berkata: "Ia sangat tampan dan menawan".
*sayang adalah saat melihatnya dengan hatimu bukan matamu.
*cinta adalah saat melihatnya dan berkata: "buatmu dia adalah anugerah terindah yang Allah berikanmu".

*di saat orang yang kau suka menyakitimu, kau akan marah dan tidak mahu lagi berbicara dengannya.
*di saat orang yang kau sayang menyakitimu, engkau akan menangis kerananya.
*di saat orang yang kau cintai menyakitimu, kau akan berkata: "tak mengapa dia hanya tak tahu apa yang sedang dilakukan".

*di saat kau menyukainya, kau akan memaksanya untuk menyukaimu.
*di saat kau menyayanginya, kau akan membiarkannya memilih.
*di saat kau menyintainya, kau akan menantinya dengan setia dan tulus.

*suka adalah bila kau akan menemaninya bila itu menguntungkanmu.
*sayang adalah bila kau akan menemaninya di saat dia memerlukanmu.
*cinta adalah bila kau sentiasa ada disisinya dan memahaminya.

hmmm now i know what i feel about that sumone.. & that iss? biarlah rahsia..hahaha..
keep on guessing & assuming or whatever it is..:P
its me & only me knows how i feel towards you..yes you :)
there must b reasons why i choose u than others..
there must b reasons why i felt this way..
& there must b reasons why all this 'things' happen..


ok awee dh ade new entry..punnnnnnn..hahaha..
enjoy reading..~ byeee ;)

Monday, August 10, 2009


I went to the clinic yesterday night..
& the doctor said
"u have sore throat...u have flu..u have cough and u have 2 days off"
wohohoho.. +_+
n here i am..sitting at home..alone..eating medicines..

oh another 1 thing..the doc said..dont worry u dont hv H1N1...
but u know theres one thing terror than H1n1..its called B1n1..err blur kejap..n then he asked..u dont know B1n1? then he spell slowly..B..1...oh..BINI ke! hahahahaa...pun boleh..

i kind off easily fall sick lately..oh but i need to b strong n face all the facts in this world..
i know that sometimes we dont always get what we want..& life must go on...

-& is it true that sumtimes act like nothing happen can b the best way? oh ive no comment..i'll just go-with-the-flow............-

till we meet again...
bye ;)

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Sesungguhnya..semua yg baik itu datang nya dr Allah swt..& semua yg buruk itu datang dr kelemahan diri saya sendiri..


Thursday, August 6, 2009


Its 5th Aug..12.45pm..
I realise now that a blog can b the most perfect place to share what u feel..what u think..& what u want..
im mood-less today..due to..ape not that sure..
sumtimes ppl tend to 'dont know' what they feel..n thats what i am now..
am i sad? am i mad? am i relief? or am i in the mood of 'just leave it to God' ..?
all this r sooo possible for the moment..

Only God knows how i feel right now..
but then ..its what i wrote in my previous post..
"i figure out sumthin today..& im not shock... at all.."
What i can just pray .. & be strong..
this is my 'test'..
To the-person-related to this..
hmm..wht can i say is..
if there is anything..just tell me straight to my face....i prefer this way..

n dont b sory....its not even ur fault..

take care & hv a nice day.. friend..

Monday, August 3, 2009

Late late late..:P

office hour starts at 8.30..n im happilyyyy woke up at 9! ahahaha..this is not the first time..(br second time..) heehe..
tp kalau bgn lmbt tgk luar mesti ckp "patutla.. hujan.." hahaha.. :P
its trueeee..bcoz of the rainnn la saya bgn lmbt...sejukk best je tidoO..

i figure out sumthin today...m not shock at all.. i already knew...just wanna say..Thank You.. :)

diff story.. my bro ..shukri need to b quarantine for a week..due to feverrr...he was asked to go back home..n err..jgn jangkit sudah :P

c u guys later..will b updating more ..bye!