Friday, April 30, 2010

when i look at u :)

Everybody needs inspiration,
Everbody needs a song.
A beautiful melody,
When the night's are long..
Cause there is no guarantee,
That this life is easy..

And when my world is falling apart.
When there's no light to break up the dark,
That's when I, I, I look at you.
When the waves are flooding the shore,
and I can't find my way home anymore.
That's when I, I, I look at you.

When I look at you,
I see forgiveness,
I see the truth..
You love me for who I am,
Like the stars hold the moon..
Right there where they belong.
and I know im not alone.

Yeah when my world is falling apart,
When there's no light to break up the dark,
That's when I, I, I look at you.
When the waves are flooding the shore,
and I can't find my way home anymore,
That's when I, I, I look at you.

You appear just like a dream to me.
Just like kaleidoscope colours,
That cover me,
All I need,
Every breath that I breathe,
Don't you know you're beautiful..

When the waves are flooding the shore,
and I can't find my way home anymore,
That's when I, I, I look at you.
I look at you..

You appear just like a dream to me..

Saturday, April 24, 2010

oh baby baby baby.. :P

my one and only favourite chinese song.hee.i can sing this dr mula smpai habis.and i know the meaning as well.haaa.believe it or not :)
i love F4! i love jerry.*yg pakai baju ade bunga tu.oh oh 8->..

kenal F4 lepas tgk series Meteor Garden.kat ntv 7.masa form 4/5.mcm best glee cite ni.hari2 tunggu ptg nk tgk.xpenah miss.kecuali kalau ade tuisyen.kalau ade, esoknye pagi2 masuk kelas klasmet cite kan ape jd smalam. abes je cite ni.haa x puas lagi.pegi beli CD dia.100 lebih okey sbb byk episod kan.fanatik punye pasal.

lagu F4 yg ni mmg sngt suke lah dulu.sbb tu boleh siap hafal.hee.mmg minat gle kat Jerry.rasanye kalau jumpa depan2 bole pengsan.ahaha! ni dulu la ye.cerita zaman2 sekolah :P

* wo jue bu neng shi qu ni :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


i guess nobody likes to be in this situation.uncertain.unsure.doubtful.undefined.
unfortunately, im in this kind of situation now.about what.hah.lets just not talk about it.only me myself know it.this not-so-sure.i-dont-know answer i give to the ppl who keep asking kama.kau dot dot dot dot dot.tuttt eh? sory u guys.i seriously dont be honest.just-go-with-the-flow kind of thing is not that is an option that's cannot be applied everytime anytime anywhere.but long as we are happy.everybody is happy.why not.just move on.let the faith brings us anywhere it takes.God knows whats best for us.i want to ask.i want to know.i want to make things clear.i want.but i cant.i dont have the guts to do it.i just enjoying my life to the fullest.:) kind off is it really exist bnda2 begini? how do we know that someone is the damnright one? what a week.a month or a year.we met somebody else.are we just gonna forget 'theone' for the moment he is tu? hmm.future future.why cant we see future.why cant we know our future?.this is life.full of surprises.for the things happens now,5 years back, we never had any idea our life is gonna be like today.kan?

day before yesterday.i received a letter from MMU.saying Award of Degree.

"i am pleased to inform you that the Senate of the University that sat on 09 April 2010 has confirmed the award of the following degree to you:-


i wish to extend the university's congratulations to you and wish you all the best in you future undertaking" i really have my own Degree now? wohoo.Alhamdulillah.ive finished and im done in MMU.. 10 years back.i never had any idea i'd have a deg in this field.cita2 konon2 nk jadi cikgu lah kan.ingt lagi pegi skolah, curi kapur bawak balik.conteng2 almari main cikgu cikgu sorang2 dlm bilik.kunci bilik.almari abes jadi putih.form 4-5 amek lukisan kejuruteraan lah kan.konon2 nk jadi arkitek.ahaha.masuk mmu.apply first2 Alpha Management.tak taw kenapa.masa tu rasa cam best je managament2 nih.sukati je.lepas tu bile nk buat Deg, tanye abah.nk amek ape ni bah.abah kate.hmm akak mcm minat2 math kan.accounting nak? hoho.accounting eh.ok.letak je accounting first.tgk2 dpt.hoho.takdir sudah menentukan saya akan buat Deg in Account kan :)

Alhamdulillah. selesai semuanya.
sngt lah byk kenangan2 manis dan tak berapa manis kat MMU nih, i'll never my dearest friends, youknowwhoyouare.thank u so much for everything.i wouldnt have done it w/out u guys.buat assignment sama2.stadi sama2.ponteng kelas my roommates.thank u thank close friends.i love u all . Thank You:)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Think less and love your life more.

how happy you are in your life is not due to chance or luck but to your attitude towards what happens to you.
what would make you feel happy? you probably imagine some state of being where life runs smoothly, your career is taking off, you're dating a hottie and you are fit and healthy so you look and feel drop dead gorgeous every time you leave the house.
the unfortunate thing about this state is that, it always remains in the future ; something you're always working towards but never seems to enjoy. why? because other people get the big breaks or are more talented or were born with more money, intelligence or beauty. or so you might think. But in truth, people who are happy and successful often enjoy their status, because they have an easygoing take on life - not because lady luck falls in their lap 24/7.

- take charge of your thoughts
- give yourself a break
- reality check
- look for the good in everything.



hello blog.sory lamaaaaaaa tak update. ive been i? no? i dono. :P
sleep at 5 last night. hoho i think so far plng lambat lah. hee
13th April.Festari involve,again. perform for closing. Permata Dunia (MMU song). oh. what can i say.Alhamdulillah.everything went well :) probably my last event in grateful.very. first time my family came to an event i perform.see me sing on stage.thanks so father mother my adik2.tomoro sume keje skolah,tp dtg u all sangattt.

last few weeks.pegi kursus kawin.* ohdhnakkawinsngtke?* lah.never thought of it pun. saje pegi.with lana.shes very excited nk why not.mcm pegi kelas agama best.*nkpegilagi ke?* haha.dependsss. pemilihan calon isteri..suami..hikmah perkahwinan..dan mcm2 lagi..general lebih detail lah.hmm best best.

thank u Allah, thank u family and friends.and thank u, awak.

*im happy for what-ever reasons 'it' happens. :) :)