Thursday, September 30, 2010

22nd Sept 2010.

My first birthday celebration far from my family..Every year they will celebrate my birthday, with a cake and of course birthday present from both mum and dad :) Sobs rindu!
Miss my best friends back in Malaysia ; Enna Dy Weena Nana Irene
who every year celebrates my birthday since we've known each other..
Thanks a million to my lovely friends here in London for the birthday surprise!
I was sooooo sooo surprise! so many people lots of new people i met.

Thank u mother, for the call. for the bday song. she called me 12 midnight UK. sweetnya mak ni ;)
Thank u abah for the sms. sayang abah sangat.
Thank u awak :) for the ..umm.. 'hadiah awal hari jadi', for messages, for the calls and especially for the bDay song! weee.
Thank u my dearest Dy and Weena for calling me. i know its expensive, tp call jugak thanks so much sayang korang.
Thank u Enna for the bday song thru ym call.
Kak Diha!! thank u so much for the messages. twitter ym fb suma u wish i. hehe sayang u taw.
Thank u everyone who wished me through FB and YM.
To farah, thank youuuu for the birthday cake. she made it herself and it was delicious! ;)
Thank u so much.

Happy birthday to me.

my greatest birthday present this year since You came into mylife.

p/s : 31 hours of the date! Weehee :D

Thursday, September 16, 2010


to my family; my parents Mak & Abah
my brothers Wan & Shukri. my lovely sister Syafiqah
my uncles and aunties, my cousins both in Johor and Pahang
my friends in Msia, also in London
and to awakyangdisayangi,

Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri.
Maaf Zahir & Batin..

*first time raya dgn kawan-kawan.first time tak balik kampung. first time tak dapat duit raya langsung.first time raya tanpa family.first time raya dkt luar negara.first time raya naik bas.naik train.first time raya2 tgk bunga api dkt jambatan sejuk gile malam2. first time raya skype2 dgn family dkt kampung :)

pic above- me and my close friends in London, at Sheikh and Amni's open house in Croydon.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Update yang cepat.

1- Semalam first time pegi Malaysian Embassy for buka puasa & terawih. Besttt rasa mcm dekat Msia. Suma org msia dlm tu. terawih , perempuan2 suma pakai telekung. Makan makanan msia.Bestt tempat dia mcm hotel :D

2- Kadang-kadang buka puasa dkt MSD (Malaysian Student Department). Yang ni mmg best. Makcik2 yg bawak makanan salunya bwk nasi dgn lauk2 yg wow sedap gilee :P Lepas buka kat situ, pegi Masjid Peckham for terawih. Terawih dkt sana mmg best. Imam bace wow laju abes. tak sempat abes bace fatihah dia dh rukuk dah. tak sempat bace duduk antara 2 sujud smpai abes dia dah sujud dah. Oh and dkt masjid ni kalau pegi terawih, kitorang jela from Msia, which means kitorang je yg pakai telekung. Pakai je suma nak tgk. Diorang rilek abes, semayang pakai skirt labuh nmpk kaki pun takda hal. First time terawih 20 rakaat sbb laju! ahaha. Bila dh habis pun mcm "eh, dh 20 ke? :P

3- Alhamdulillah, i arrived here in the month of Ramadhan. Pengalaman berpuasa, buka puasa sahur dkt negara orang. Lepas ni raya pulak :)

4- Pegi museum. Natural History Museum. Dekat sini masuklah mana2 muzium yang anda suka.Semuanya freeeee :P Best juga muzium ni. Banyak dinosour :D

5- Bukak youtube mcm dgr Mp3 ja. Lajuuuuu. No no buffer buffer. I likee :D

6- Sekarang dah boleh online di mana2 sahaja berada. Kerana apa..Jeng jeng jengg..:P

7- Hari2 naik bas. Pegi mana2 naik bas. Public transport dkt sini mmg terbaik. Dkt almost every bus stop akan tulis bas No ** akan smpai lg bape minit. And tepat skali masa dia smpai. Mmg on time!

8- Saya rindu keluarga saya. Kesian kat rumah tggl 3 orang je. Raya nnti 4 org je. hehe. Rindu kawan2 saya. Soryy takda open house tahun ni. And tak dpt la raya umah korang semua. Awak, saya sentiasa rindukan awak :)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Quick Update 2

Last Sunday, went all the way to Birmingham, which took 2 hours journey from London naik train, just to watch EPL! Never once in my life thought that i would go and watch football live depan mata! and it was like Wow. Seriously, im not a fan of football, rarely watch it.. tgk pun kalau adik2 tgk jela kan. But it was such an experience. the feel is different. the fanatic fan yang mcm Wow. berdiri sepanjang game, nyanyi2 tepuk2 tangan mcm tak penat ke? haha. And the game was Aston Villa vs Everton. One of my greatest experience :)

Together with Maya, Tia, Amni, Tun and Sheikh. Thank u guys for the great time. Thank u for inviting me :)