Saturday, November 28, 2009

80 pages.

SAturday. its me n wan je kat umah..yg lain pegi anta tuti blk skola..nk study katenye, tu yg blk awal..
nape x ikut? haa sbb nk kene wat log boooookkk..adeh,sngt xfhm camane nk wt bende alah ni..isnin ni nk kene anta kat supervisor..& yes! isnin ni Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaast Daaaaayyyyyyyyyyyy!!! weeheeeee;P bestt gleee. 6 months overrrrr! muahahahaa..
over over jugak. report sebnyk 80 mukasurat x buat2 lg..nk kene anta 15 Dec ni, tp 11 Dec nk g indon ngan family sume..alamatnye kene anta awal la kan..10 DEc nk kene anta dh!..pergh mmg kene wat sepantas mungkin la kan..ape nk mengarut kat report ni pn x taw laaaa..huhuhu..

ok, nk buat log book.
plus the report(kalau rajin) hehe, bye.

Selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha!

waaa salu dr hari raya aidilfitri cam lama lg nak ke hari raya tahun ni rasa cam cpt, dh raya haji dh? woww time flies real fast mann..

Selamat Hari Raya to all..
sambutan..hmm x blk kmpg..kadang2 je blk kmpg time raya haji..dis yr celeb kat sni gradma is ramai la pakcik makcik saya dtg umah..mkn2..suke sngt kalau pakcik makcik dtg umah cam best gle ramai org :P

oh n alhamdulillah..both my brothers blk raya, especially wan..time raya aidilfitri aritu dia dpt raya haji pn besttttt ;D
tuti pun blk eventho ade paper isnin ni, biologi! hehe..gudluck la ye ti..

n to those who celeb bday this raya..SElamat haRi jADiiiiiii ;P

have fun u guys..
SHR AiDilaDha ^_^

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Tuti ;)

to my caring stylo sweet plus manja brother,Shukri aka Tuti..hehe..
All the Best for SPM..Gooooood Luck tiii..
Akak doakan ti dpt jwb sume exam dgn baik ok..Amin..
Go Tuti! You can do it!! ^_^

Thursday, November 12, 2009

tik tok tik tok..

Few more days left for internship.i cant wait. sngt cpt masa berlalu.6 months okkk. will i miss the audit firm? definitely. my very 1st time kerja kann. what an experience! gudbye internship. sekali seumur hidup.thanks for the good + not-so-good experience.hahaha..still counting...12 days left! yeay ;D



Quote ;)

"You may not be her first, her last, or her only.
She loved before she may love again.
but if she loves you now, what else matters?
She’s not perfect - you aren’t either,
and the two of you may never be perfect together
but if she can make you laugh, cause you to think twice,
and admit to being human, and making mistakes..
Hold on to her and give her the most you can.
She may not be thinking about you every second of the day,
but she will give you a part of her that she knows you can break - her HEART.
So don’t hurt her, don’t change her, don’t analyze and
don’t expect more than she can give.
Smile when she makes you happy,
let her know when she makes you mad,
and miss her when she’s not there." -Bob Marley

ouh.this isssss..sooo touching mannn^_^