Monday, October 26, 2009


Life isn't a fairy tale, and happy endings are few and far between.

In life, as in art, some endings are bittersweet. Especially when it comes to love. Sometimes fate throws two lovers together only to rip them apart. Sometimes the hero finally makes the right choice but the timing is all wrong. And, as they say, timing is everything. Looks like this story might just have a second act. Let's hope it's not a tragedy.

They say every action has an equal and opposite reaction

Some endings take a long time to reveal themselves. But when they do, they're almost too easy to ignore. Some beginnings start so quietly, you don't even notice they're happening. But most endings come when you least expect them.

But the worst thing the truth can do? Is when you finally tell it, it doesn't set you free... but locks you away, forever.

The thing about new beginnings is that they require something else to end.

XOXO.Gossip Girl.

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